Online Marketing & SEO

Internet Marketing For Beginners

Internet Marketing Basics.

Well in my earlier posts I dealt with how marketing has changed over the years. In this post I will be explaining about internet marketing and different types of internet marketing.

When we speak  of internet marketing the fist thing that comes to your mind is those annoying pop-up ads on Rediff or Yahoo! But Internet Marketing is not all about pop-up ads there much more to internet marketing.

The basic concept of internet marketing is selling your product over the internet, generating leads or might be just increasing brand awareness. The goal of the internet marketing has to be clearly defined before venturing into internet marketing.

So in order to increase over the internet you need to draw customers to your site and then engage your customers and convince them to buy your product. Your website is like your sales pitch. The website draw the attention of your customer and should clearly differentiate from your competitors and should highlight your Unique Selling Proposition.

Types of Internet Marketing

Search Engine Optimization: There are millions of sites on the web. How do you stay afloat in this ocean? Well the key to this is SEO.  In order to draw traffic to your site you need to optimize your website. So that your target audience finds you. SEO is of two types On- Page optimization and Off page optimization. On- Page optimization includes  metatags, site maps, keyword optimization etc. It basically includes making your site Search Engine Friendly so that search engines can easily crawl your website. Off-Page Optimization includes what you do off your website without making any changes to your website.It includes link building,forum marketing,blog comments, articles , directory submissions etc. I will be explaining each in detail in my successive posts.

Search Engine Marketing/ Pay Per Click Marketing: When searching on Google Im sure you’ll must have observed some advertisements appearing on the right hand side titled sponsored listing. These are nothing but ads that the advertiser pays search engines for every time a user clicks the ad. . These advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market and pay only when their ad is clicked. Bids for each keyword can go as high as even 30$!! Imagine Google getting paid 30$ for a single click on an advertisement. Well PPC (Pay Per Click) ads account for 85% of Google’s revenue.

Social Media Marketing:

Is a platform though which organizations can connect directly to their target audience through an informal means of communication. This platform includes all social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter,Orkut, My Space etc. This can also include blogs.

Social media marketing can help create brand awareness and even generate sales. For some organizations social media marketing can be a channel to receive feedback about their product or service. The main focus of social media marketers should be to create content which is interesting, attracts attention, and stimulate online conversations which encourage users to share it their friends. This content can then go viral and spread like wild fire thus benefiting the organization. Any offers or contests can be easily promoted with little or no advertising budget.

Well these are the major forms of internet marketing and others may include affiliate marketing,e-mail marketing etc. I will be dealing with them in my subsequent blogs.

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May 23, 2010 Posted by | Internet Marketing Basics, Uncategorized | , , , , | 1 Comment